Commands & Permissions
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Last updated
Permission interactiveboard.admin is needed to use InteractiveBoard commands and create/delete boards.
This permission should only be given to server owners and admins who configure the plugin.
/ib create
Create a new board.
/ib delete
Delete a board.
/ib reload
Reload all board configurations.
/ib reset
Reload a specific board.
/ib teleport <display>
Teleport to a board.
<display> - The name of the display to teleport to.
/ib cancel
Cancel the currently active process.
/ib fonts
Get names of fonts loaded from the font folder.
/ib name
Get the name of a board.
/ib coordinates
Get x and y coordinates of a pixel.
/ib trigger <display> <player> <identifier>
Trigger an .
<display> - The name of the display to trigger the action on.
<player> - The player to trigger the action on.
<identifier> - The unique action identifier, as specified in the action listener.