Last updated
Last updated
Stop the server.
Add InteractiveBoard.jar
to your plugins.
Start the server.
All of the InteractiveBoard start files and folders should be automatically generated.(config.yml, boards, images, fonts, music
Now you can start using the plugin
Continue reading further to see how you can create boards and edit them.
Fix for servers using proxies with 1.8-1.10 clients.
If you are using a bungee/velocity proxy with 1.8-1.10 versions, to prevent the boards from freezing due to the bug in old 1.8-1.10 clients, you need to install InteractiveBoard.jar in the proxy and enable bungee-freeze-fix option in config.yml of InteractiveBoard in every server on your network that uses InteractiveBoard. If you are using ViaRewind or ViaBackwards make sure that they are installed on the server and not the proxy.